Caterpillar Generator Stair and Platform Installation

DeKalb County Government Generator Platform Run

This generator maintenance panel access platform used the OSHA style APEX grip strut platform and industrial step.

DeKalb County is located in the north-central portion of Georgia and is home to over 750,000 residents. The County has received accolades for its energy conservation and renewable energy initiatives. Caterpillar (CAT) is the world's largest manufacturer of generator sets and they offer the largest range of specifications available for commercial and industrial use. The company’s generators are known for their excellent energy efficiency and consistent track record of meeting global emissions compliance standards.
DeKalb County contacted Upside Innovations to inquire about generator access stairs and a platform for a large CAT generator located at one of their government facilities. Upside Innovations’ APEX system consists of prefabricated modular aluminum stairs and platforms that can be easily configured to meet any application, making it the perfect access solution for CAT’s expansive product line. The components are 100% aluminum and will not rust, rot, or warp, allowing them to withstand the elements. The OHSA-compliant generator access stairs feature heavy-duty railings and 3” channel grip strut grating that allows workers to move freely while servicing CAT generators.

The CAT generator at the County’s facility sat several feet above the ground. The independently adjustable legs on the APEX platforms make it easy for the Upside installation team to position the legs near the unit on the curb while lengthening the outside legs to maintain a level installation. The engineering team chose a standard 56" wide platform to allow sufficient room for the maintenance panels to swing open unobstructed while maintenance technicians work on the unit.

Generator Access Stairs

Our prefabricated Generator platforms and stairs are ready to install and composed of industrial-grade aluminum components. The components bolt together, allowing for the possibility of endless configurations. Say goodbye to custom fabrication, welding, and time-consuming engineering to reduce costs, installation time, and complexity.

APEX generator platform stairs are standard with an aggressive, heavy-duty 3” channel grip strut grating that provides maximum, multi-directional slip resistance. Other decking options are available.

The APEX Generator Access Stairs meet OSHA codes and have an IBC-compliant option. Due to the modular design, and our experienced engineers, the stairs can reach any height you need. Made from 100% industrial-grade aluminum, our generator access stairs will not rust, warp, or rot.

Caterpillar  Cummins  Generac  Kohler   Taylor Power Systems
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Industrial Stairs

Made from 100% industrial-grade aluminum, Upside's OSHA industrial stairs won’t rust, rot, or warp. They also meet OSHA codes, with an IBC-compliant option available. The stairs come prefabricated to bolt together on-site, so there is no need for welding.

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Our Services

Our team designs, manufactures, ships, and installs ADA & IBC-compliant stairs, ramps, and canopies to fit YOUR custom project. Our experts will work with you throughout the project to ensure your installation is correct to your specifications and code-compliant.

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