Bus Terminal stair, ramp and canopy

Project Profile: Upside Innovations’ Access Solutions Enhance DC DGS Adams Place Bus Terminal

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Project Overview

Client: DC Department of General Services
Location: Washington, DC
Project: DC DGS Adams Place Bus Terminal
Collaborators: Modular Genius, Inc., Diamond Builders, Inc.

The Challenge

The Washington DC Department of General Services required a relocatable building for DC Public Schools to serve as a school bus dispatch, breakroom, and assembly space for drivers. The existing facility was outdated, necessitating a new structure on an adjacent parcel of land. The project demanded a design that would integrate seamlessly with the existing architectural landscape and provide effective accessibility solutions.

Upside Innovations’ Contribution

Upside Innovations partnered in this project by providing essential access components:

  • Two Entryway Canopies: These structures were designed to offer shelter and enhance the aesthetic appeal of the building’s entrances.
    Learn more
  • ADA-Compliant Entry Access Stairs: Installed at both entrances, these stairs ensured compliance with accessibility standards, offering safe and convenient access.
    Learn More
  • ADA Wheelchair Access Ramp: This feature was critical in ensuring the building was accessible to all individuals, aligning with ADA guidelines.
    Learn More

The pre-fabricated nature of Upside Innovations’ products was a significant factor in meeting the project’s tight timeline and budget constraints. The ease of installation and compliance with state and local accessibility guidelines were key in the seamless coordination of inspection activities.

The Solution

The modular building, by Modular Genius, Inc., was set up efficiently over two days. Upside Innovations’ prefabricated access systems played a pivotal role in the project’s success, aligning with the need for a flexible and relocatable solution. This adaptability is especially crucial for the ever-changing landscape of the bus terminal facility.


The collaboration on the DC DGS Adams Place Bus Terminal project is a testament to Upside Innovations’ ability to deliver high-quality, compliant, and aesthetically pleasing access solutions. The project not only met but exceeded expectations in functionality, speed to occupancy, and adherence to budgetary and regulatory requirements.

View full case study by Modular Genius

wheelchair ramp installation

Wheelchair Ramps for Public Spaces: Improving Accessibility and Inclusivity

wheelchair ramp installation
This wheelchair ramp was installed at a modular building in Forest View, IL.

Regardless of a person’s physical capabilities, accessibility is a fundamental right that should be protected. Yet, despite recent advancements, accessibility for people with impairments remains a problem. The absence of wheelchair ramps in public areas is among the most frequent issues. We’ll talk about the value of wheelchair ramps in public places and how they can increase inclusion and accessibility in this article.

It is crucial first to comprehend what a wheelchair ramp is and why it is required. A wheelchair ramp is a sloping surface that serves as an alternative to steps and allows users of wheelchairs or other mobility aids to enter a building or public area on their own. For everyone to have equal access to public spaces, including those with mobility impairments, wheelchair ramps are crucial. However, they have several advantages for everyone, including parents with strollers, delivery personnel, and those who have sustained temporary ailments.

TK Render of Wheelchair Ramps

Our ADA-compliant wheelchair and access ramps feature modular components that bolt together. The solution eliminates custom fabrication, code compliance issues, and time-consuming engineering while reducing costs, installation time, and complexity. Weather-resistant aluminum can be reconfigured to adapt to changing applications or remobilizations, ensuring the industry’s longest service life.

The APEX System is a line of integrated access products that can be configured to meet the most challenging applications.

View our wheelchair ramp installations

The fact that wheelchair ramps encourage inclusivity is one of its main advantages. People with disabilities can participate in activities and events that they might not otherwise be able to attend by providing wheelchair ramps in public areas. This could be visiting friends, shopping, attending a show or athletic event, or attending class. People with disabilities feel more at home, have more independence, and value themselves more when allowed to enter public spaces.

Moreover, wheelchair ramps increase safety. Without a ramp, those in wheelchairs may have to travel across steep or uneven ground, increasing the risk of accidents and injury. People with mobility issues can enter public areas and move around more safely, thanks to wheelchair ramps.

Wheelchair ramps also increase the number of clients or guests in shops and public places. For instance, a restaurant’s revenue will increase if it features a wheelchair ramp that attracts people in wheelchairs. Similarly, more people can visit parks if they have wheelchair ramps, which will promote tourism and benefit the neighborhood’s economy.

In summary, wheelchair ramps enhance inclusivity and accessibility in public spaces. They promote inclusivity, make traveling easier and safer for those with disabilities, and generate income for local companies and the community. No matter how physically disabled someone is, society must ensure that public spaces are accessible to all.

wheelchair ramp installation

10 Reasons to Install Wheelchair Ramps in Retirement Communities and Nursing Homes

wheelchair ramp installation
This wheelchair ramp system was installed for Brookdale Retirement Home in Emporia, KS

As we age, navigating stairs and other obstacles can become increasingly challenging. This is particularly true for retirement community and nursing home residents, who often face mobility limitations.

TK Render of Wheelchair Ramps

Our ADA-compliant wheelchair and access ramps feature modular components that bolt together. The solution eliminates custom fabrication, code compliance issues, and time-consuming engineering while reducing costs, installation time, and complexity. Weather-resistant aluminum can be reconfigured to adapt to changing applications or remobilizations, ensuring the industry’s longest service life.

The APEX System is a line of integrated access products that can be configured to meet the most challenging applications.

View our nursing home wheelchair ramp installations

Installing wheelchair ramps in these settings can significantly improve the quality of life for residents. Here are 10 reasons why wheelchair ramps are essential in retirement communities and nursing homes:

  1. Improved Accessibility – Wheelchair ramps offer a safe and straightforward way for residents using wheelchairs, walkers, or other mobility aids to move around the community or facility. With ramps, residents can maintain their independence and enjoy greater freedom without depending on others for help.
  2. Compliance with the Law – The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) mandates that all public buildings and facilities be accessible to individuals with disabilities, including wheelchair users. Installing wheelchair ramps is crucial in complying with the law and ensuring equal access for all residents.
  3. Increased Safety – Ramps provide a stable and secure surface for walking, reducing the risk of falls and other accidents. Additionally, ramps are designed to accommodate mobility aids such as walkers, canes, and crutches, making it safer for residents to use these devices to move around.
  4. Improved Quality of Life – The ability to navigate the community or facility without barriers or obstacles fosters a sense of independence and freedom. Residents who can move around freely are more likely to engage in social activities, attend events, and participate in community life, leading to increased happiness, reduced isolation, and improved quality of life.
  5. Easy to Install – Wheelchair ramps are simple to install and can be customized to meet the unique needs of each community or facility. They can be constructed from various materials and designed to blend in with the surrounding environment.
  6. Cost-Effective – Installing wheelchair ramps is a cost-effective way to enhance accessibility in retirement communities and nursing homes. The cost of ramps can vary depending on the materials used and the size of the installation, but overall, ramps are a relatively inexpensive solution to accessibility challenges.
  7. Long-Lasting – Wheelchair ramps are durable and can withstand harsh weather conditions, making them a long-lasting solution for improving accessibility in retirement communities and nursing homes. Our ADA-compliant wheelchair and access ramps feature modular components that bolt together. The solution eliminates custom fabrication, code compliance issues, and time-consuming engineering while reducing costs, installation time, and complexity. Weather-resistant aluminum can be reconfigured to adapt to changing applications or remobilizations, ensuring the industry’s longest service life.
  8. Easy to Maintain – Once installed, wheelchair ramps require minimal maintenance. They can be easily cleaned and inspected periodically to remain safe and secure.
  9. Aesthetically Pleasing – Wheelchair ramps can be designed to blend in with the surrounding environment and architecture of the community or facility. This can enhance the property’s overall aesthetic appeal while also improving accessibility.
  10. Inclusivity – Installing wheelchair ramps promotes inclusivity and demonstrates a commitment to providing equal access to all residents, regardless of their mobility challenges. This can create a welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone.

In conclusion, installing wheelchair ramps in retirement communities and nursing homes is vital in providing accessible, safe, and inclusive living environments for all residents. Wheelchair ramps can significantly improve the lives of seniors and people with disabilities by making it easier for them to get around, keeping them safe, enhancing their quality of life, and fostering a sense of belonging.

How to Clean Aluminum ramps

How to Clean Aluminum Ramps

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Cleaning Untreated Aluminum Ramps

Aluminum is a light but strong material common for outdoor and commercial applications because of its weather-resistant properties; aluminum doesn’t rust because it forms a natural oxide layer. Oxidation is a confusing process because it is a form of corrosion. Still, unlike oxidation that occurs on other metals, it does not jeopardize the structural integrity of the aluminum – it strengthens the material. Oxidation creates a protective barrier against water and rust, but it can make the aluminum less attractive over time. Cleaning the ramp will decrease the chances of severe oxidation.

Step 1: The first step is to ensure all debris, including mud, dust, and leaves, is cleared off the ramp. To do this, you must start at the top of the ramp with a stiff-bristled push-broom and sweep all the debris down the ramp; the edge guards that run along both edges of the ramp prevent the debris from being pushed over the sides. The stiff-bristled push-broom is recommended to clean out the grooves of the ramp, but don’t try to scrub the ramp with the broom as it might scratch the aluminum.

Step 2: After brushing off the aluminum ramp, rinse it with water and a mild detergent such as dish soap. Use a generous amount of dish soap over the length of the ramp, and put a concentrated amount on tough spots. Let it sit for a couple of minutes. Next, hose off or lightly pressure wash the ramp to remove the soap and dirt. If possible, it is suggested to use filtered water because unfiltered water may contain sulfur, chlorine, fluoride, and other minerals that could damage the aluminum over time. Ensure all dish soap is washed off before the wheelchair ramp is used.

Step 3: If there is dirt on the ramp still, use a towel and dish soap to scrub the area. Do not use steel wool or scouring pads because these materials can scratch the aluminum and give it a dull appearance. Do not use harsh cleaners like baking soda or alkali-based cleaners, as these can cause discoloration. If you want to try a new type of cleaner, test an area on the underside of the ramp to see if it discolors the aluminum.

Step 4: If the wheelchair ramp has already oxidized, try spot-treating the oxidized areas with an aluminum cleaner like Aluma Kleen or Aluma Bright (not sponsored links).

Cleaning Powder-Coated Aluminum Ramps

If the aluminum wheelchair ramp is powder-coated, there is less chance of oxidation because the powder-coating provides an extra layer of defense. However, it is possible for the layer to be breached and form oxidation spots. Most cleaning steps are the same as non-powder-coated aluminum, but the powder-coating is a little more delicate than the aluminum.


Step 1: Brush off the ramp, moving from top to bottom, with a stiff-bristled push-broom. Do not try to scrub the wheelchair ramp with the broom, as it might scratch the aluminum.

Step 2: The most efficient way to clean outdoor aluminum ramps with a powder-coating finish is with a pressure washer using filtered water at low pressure. Use a mild detergent such as dish soap, and DO NOT use chlorine or harsh cleaning solutions. A high-water pressure and aggressive cleaning products can damage the powder-coated finish. The commercial cleaning solutions will clean the surface but remove micro-layers of finish. The coating might later become hard and crack while losing its protective barrier.

Step 3: As stated above, use a soft brush or cloth to clean the surface; do not use anything with stiff bristles or a scratchy pad.

Step 4: To keep powder-coated wheelchair ramps looking nice, try a high-grade, non-abrasive car wax that contains a U.V. blocker and/or U.V. inhibitors. Be sure to wipe off residual wax because it could bake in the heat and cause permanent staining. As with any other product applied to the ramp, making a test area on the underside of the ramp is recommended. 

Handling Snow and Ice on Your Ramp

How to clean aluminum stairs

Material Properties

Test Your Knowledge of Wheelchair Ramps [10-Question Quiz]

CE Course screenshot

Continuing Education – Efficiencies with Prefabricated Stairs, Access Platforms & Ramps

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UPSIDE’S Continuing Education

Step It Up: Increased Efficiency with Prefabricated Modular Stairs, Access Systems, & Ramps

Does your project need to step it up when it comes to stairs and safety? Our CE course discusses prefabricated modular metal stairs, access platforms, and ramps that are as easy to reconfigure as they are to assemble. Participants will not only learn about relevant codes from OSHA, IBC, and ADA regarding stairs, ladders, and handrails, but they will also learn how to specify modular stair components and configurations to best facilitate code compliance and increase site productivity.

Learning Objectives: 

  1. Compare and contrast conventional stairs versus modular stairs and access systems as they relate to efficiency, sustainability, and productivity.
  2. Determine which modular stair components and configurations will best suit your application for improved flexibility now and in the future.
  3. Identify relevant and updated codes from OSHA, IBC, and ADA regarding stairs, ladders, handrails, and ramps and discuss how modular stair and access systems can help facilitate code compliance.
  4. Illustrate the cost- and time-efficiency possible through the utilization of modular stairs and access systems by analyzing case studies.

Design Category (CSI Division): (05) Metals

line level

How to Measure Wheelchair Ramp Ground Slope

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ADA Requirements

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires wheelchair ramps to have a slope no steeper than 1:12 so that people in wheelchairs can go up and down without assistance. This means that for every inch of rise in the threshold, the wheelchair ramp must be 12 inches (one foot) long. For example, a door threshold height of 25″ requires a 25′ ramp along with a 5’ x 5’ threshold platform. Any threshold that is more than 30″ off the ground requires at least one resting platform in the middle of the ramp to break it up. Why? Because the ADA requires a resting platform for every additional 30′ of the ramp run. Therefore, if the threshold is 32″ high, one resting platform is required; if the threshold is 62″ high, two resting platforms are required.

What you will need

  • Stakes
  • String or twine
  • Hammer
  • Line level
  • Tape measure

Why is it Important To Measure?

In a perfect world, every construction site would be completely flat, but all site workers know that is not the case. Therefore, ground slope measurements are required to make sure that the slope of the handicap ramp is accurate. If the ground is sloping upwards from the door threshold, the ramp will likely require less ramp material than if the ground is flat or sloping downwards. This typically means that the ramp will be less expensive if the ground is sloping upwards and more expensive if it is sloping downwards.

wheelchair ramp measure slope diagram

Diagram 1

The 30″ threshold height correlates to a 30′ ramp because the ground is neither sloping upwards or downwards; it is completely flat.

Diagram 2

On the left side of the building, the ground is sloping upwards, which means that the 30″ threshold will require a ramp that is less than 30′. On the right side of the building, the ground is sloping downwards, which means that the ramp will have to be longer than 30′. It will also require a resting platform in the middle of the ramp that will add an additional cost. A resting platform is required for every additional 30′ of ramp run.

Where to Measure

Slope measurements need to be taken where the wheelchair ramp will sit, so you will first need to figure out the best layout. To determine the best layout:

  • Measure the height of the door threshold
  • Determine the required ramp length
    • For every inch of rise, a foot of ramp run is needed (i.e. door threshold height = 20”, so ramp run = 20’)
    • Make sure to account for the required 5’ x 5’ platform at the door threshold
    • Remember, for every additional 30′ of ramp run, an additional 5’ x 5’ resting platform is required
  • Note any obstacles or space limitations
  • If there are no obstacles or space limitations, the ramp layout does not matter; choose the preferred layout
  • If there are obstacles or space limitations, a switchback ramp or L-ramp would be best
  • If there are two buildings side-by-side, a common platform ramp could be used to maximize space utilization

Once the layout is determined, measure the ground slope every 10′ in the direction(s) that the ramp will travel. To measure an L-ramp, measure from where the threshold platform would sit to where the first platform would sit in increments of 10′. Then measure from the platform down to where the ramp would end. For modular buildings, here is a ramp configuration plan.

standard wheelchair ramp layouts

How to Measure

  1. Take a measurement from grade to the finished floor at the entrance (FFE (finished floor elevation) = _____ inches)
  1. Hammer a stake in the ground at the entrance door and tie a string to it.
  1. Hammer a second stake in the ground straight out from the building at approximately the location where the threshold platform will end (typically 5’4” away from the building), and tie the string to it from the first stake making sure it is taut.
  1. Place a line level in the center of the string and move the string up or down until the line is level.
  1. Measure the distance from the ground to the string at the first stake (S1 = ______ inches) and measure the distance from the ground to the string on the second stake (S2 = ______ inches)
  1. Calculate the ground level relative to the finished floor elevation (FFE) by using the following formula:  FFE_2 = FFE + (S2 – S1)
  1. Hammer a third stake in the ground approximately 10’ from stake 2 in the direction of the ramp travel.  Tie a string from stake 2 to stake 3 and make sure that the string is taut.
  1. Place a line level in the center of the string and move the string up or down until the line is level.
  1. Measure the distance from the ground to the string at stake 2 (S2 = ______ inches) and measure the distance from the ground to the string at the third stake (S3 = _____ inches)
  1. Calculate the ground level relative to the FFE @ stake 2 by using the following formula: FFE_3 = FFE_2 + (S3 – S2)
  1. Repeat this process every 10’ to the approximate location of where the ramp will end
Where to Place Stakes
Calculating Slope
Ramp Slope

Pros & Cons of the 5 Most Common Ramp Materials

[Infographic] How to Measure for a Wheelchair Ramp

Must-Know ADA & IBC Guidelines

Test Your Knowledge of Wheelchair Ramps

Complete 2010 ADA Guide

Table of Ramp Length with Platforms Calculations

Ramps for Modular Buildings – Planning Your Ramp Configuration

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You must consider many factors if you plan to install a modular building ramp because every site is different. Follow this guide so that you take the necessary site measurements.


Why does my ramp have to be a specific length?

The ramp must comply with ADA regulations if it is going to be used by the public. ADA regulations require a 1:12 slope which guarantees that the ramp will not be too steep for someone in a wheelchair to use. It also requires a landing area at both the top and bottom of the ramp, which must be at least 60” x 60”. If there is no existing landing platform at the threshold, then you will need a platform that connects the door threshold to the top of the ramp.

How wide does my ramp need to be?

Most standard ADA products have 48″ clearance between the handrails.  This specification covers ADA and IBC 2009 compliance across the United States.  The outer edge to outer edge of the ramp is close to 60″, but there ends up being only 48″ between the handrails after taking the handrail material, the standoff between the handrail and the guardrail, and the guardrail thickness into consideration.


Why do the width and length of the building matter?

If you need to have a switchback ramp, but there is no room for it to switch back in front of the building, you may have to wrap it around the side of the building. Knowing the length and width will help you determine the best layout for the ramp. 

Why is the door swing important?

If the door’s hinge is on the right, then the ramp has to move to the left (from the birds-eye or front view) so that the door does not block the ramp when it is opened. The same concept applies to a door with a hinge on the left.

If you need the ramp to go in the opposite direction than the door allows, additional platforms are needed.

Double doors and recessed doors also require additional platforms to have an adequate turning radius for a wheelchair.


Why is the slope of the ground important?

If the ground is sloping down, you can use our slope calculator to determine whether additional ramp sections might be required in order to maintain a 1:12 ratio. If the ground is sloping up, fewer ramp sections may be required. View the in-depth guide on how to measure sloping ground.


Why do I need multiple platforms?

To be compliant with ADA regulations, you need a 60″ x 60″ resting platform for every additional 30 feet of ramp. This means that if your door is more than 30″ above the ground, you will need at least a 30-foot ramp and a resting platform that will add an additional 60 inches to the ramp length. Here are some benefits of modular aluminum ramps.


Is one configuration better than the others?

No. Choose the configuration that best suits your site, given any barriers that might be there and the allotted space you have. If you have limited space on the sides of the building, a switchback ramp would probably be best, but if there is a tree that would prevent the ramp from switching back, an “L” ramp or straight ramp would be better. You might also need to check if you need adjustable steps for your modular office.

What if there are obstacles in the way, but I can’t avoid them?

Sometimes it is easier to relocate or remove an obstacle instead of trying to configure a wheelchair ramp around it. If relocating or removing it is not possible, then you may need to use a larger platform to push the ramp past the obstacle, adjust the layout, or use a custom access system to avoid it. 

After preparing the site, contact a ramp manufacturer for a quote.

Upside Innovations manufactures modular-style aluminum ramps and installs them nationwide. Aluminum is the most durable commercial-style ramp that requires minimal maintenance and can typically be assembled in a matter of hours. 

More resources:

ADA Ramp Requirements Outline

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The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life. This includes ensuring that people with disabilities have equal access to buildings and facilities. One way to provide equal access is by installing ramps, which allow people who use wheelchairs or have mobility impairments to enter and exit buildings.

ADA ramp requirements specify the minimum standards that ramps must meet in order to be considered accessible. These requirements apply to both new construction and renovations of existing buildings. Some of the key requirements for ADA ramps include:

Make sure your wheelchair ramp is ADA-compliant.

1. Ramp Slope

The steepest slope that an ADA ramp can have is 1:12 which means for every inch of threshold rise, the ramp must be at least 12 inches (one foot) long.

If you’re unsure about how to do the calculations, use the ramp slope calculator.

ramp slope

The ramp length is directly related to the height between the ground and the bottom of the door, along with the required slope. For example, the door on your building is 40 inches above the ground. To ensure that your ramp is not steeper than the 1:12 ratio, your ramp needs to be 40 feet long.

2. Ramp Width

ADA ramps must be at least 36 inches wide, which allows people using wheelchairs or other mobility devices to safely navigate the ramp.

3. Platform Landings

ADA ramp requirements include landings at the top and bottom of the ramp. These landings should be at least as wide as the ramp and at least 60 inches long. Landings provide a place for people with disabilities to rest and turn around if necessary.

Number of Resting Platform Landings

Following the ADA ramp requirements, the maximum rise for a single ramp run is 30 inches. That means that the maximum length is 30 feet, so one additional platform landing is required for every additional 30 feet of ramp. Why? Because the landings serve as resting areas, the Americans with Disabilities Act determined that after 30 feet of continuous run, a resting area is needed.

Ramp Length (ft.)Landings Required
wheelchair ramp Landing requirements illustration

Landing Size

  • Width: the landing must be at least as wide as the widest ramp run that connects to the landing.
  • Length: the landing length must be at least 60 inches without obstruction.
  • Change in direction: if the ramp changes direction, you need a landing with a clear space that is at least 60 inches by 60 inches.
  • Doorways: if there are doorways that lead onto a landing, see the following ADA ramp landing requirements.
ADA ramp landings must be at least 60" long and as wide as the widest ramp section

4. Guardrails and Handrails

ADA ramps must have handrails on both sides that are between 34 and 38 inches above the ramp surface. Handrails help people with disabilities maintain balance and stability while using the ramp.

Railing extensions

If a railing is present along the side of a ramp, it must extend at least 12 inches beyond the top and bottom of the ramp. This helps people with disabilities maintain their balance while using the ramp.

Clearance between handrails

The minimum clearance between the ramp handrails is 36 inches so that a wheelchair can fit between the handrails with ease. View all ADA ramp handrail requirements, including length, perimeter, location above the walking surface, and more.

Baluster spacing

Balusters are required on ADA ramps to protect against falling. The balusters must not be spaced farther than 4″ apart from one another so that a child cannot slip through the space.


The guardrail, which is different than the handrail, must be at least 42 inches from the walking surface to prevent people from falling over the side of the ramp.

5. Surface

The surface of an ADA ramp must be slip-resistant and smooth. This is important for the safety of people with disabilities, as well as for those who may be pushing strollers or using other mobility devices.

6. Edge protection

Edge protection is required along the edges of an ADA ramp run and landing. There are two types of edge protection to choose from:

  • Extended ground surface: the ramp and landing walking surface must extend at least 12 inches past the inside edge of the handrail
  • Barrier/kickplate: you cannot have a gap larger than 4 inches between the ramp or kickplate and the bottom of the guardrail.

It is important to note that these are the minimum requirements for ADA ramps. In some cases, additional features may be needed to make a ramp fully accessible. For example, a ramp may need to have a wider landing at the top if there is not enough space for a person using a wheelchair to turn around.

In summary, ADA ramp requirements are designed to ensure that people with disabilities have equal access to buildings and facilities. By following these requirements, building owners and designers can create ramps that are safe and accessible for everyone.

We get all of our information from the 2010 Americans with Disabilities Act.

Our Services

Our team designs, manufactures, ships, and installs ADA & IBC-compliant stairs, ramps, and canopies to fit YOUR custom project. Our experts will work with you throughout the project to ensure your installation is correct to your specifications and code-compliant.

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