Custom APEX Ramp Installed at Cleveland Court House

Custom APEX Ramp Install Cleveland Court House

This 70' APEX switchback Ramp was Installed at the Cuyahoga County Court House in Cleveland, Ohio.

A common problem with existing historic buildings is not having compliant access to the facilities. Cuyahoga County addressed that problem at their county courthouse by purchasing a 70' APEX aluminum switchback and L ramp system an an 18" APEX step for a side entrance with existing concrete steps. Upside Innovations was able to accomplish the entire access system using all standard parts except two custom platforms with notches that were used at the entry door.

This aluminum access system was a great and simple alternative to a precast concrete wheelchair ramp for the county to use. The aluminum APEX ramp system has so many advantages over a concrete ramp system such as installation time, adjustability of legs, and no need for concrete forms or heavy equipment on site.

Wheelchair Ramps

wheelchair ramp example

APEX ADA-compliant wheelchair and access ramps feature modular components that bolt together. The solution eliminates custom fabrication, code compliance issues, and time-consuming engineering while reducing costs, installation time, and complexity. Weather-resistant aluminum can be reconfigured to adapt to changing applications or remobilizations and ensure the industry’s longest service life.

The APEX System is a line of integrated access products that can be configured to meet the most challenging applications.

View wheelchair ramp installations


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